Posts tagged Mathematica
People vs The Desk Toys. Meet The Characters.

Every day people and AIs are being compared, their character—personas—and abilities.

There’s a much longer running Wolfram tradition. Comparing people with animals, sock puppets or desk toys. Which animal has the expression of which person you know? Which desk toy best represents the person sitting opposite in a meeting? Or which crocheted animal—a hobby of my daughter’s, prompted by my colleague Lianne’s vast constructed collection?

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How Significant is Significance Arithmetic?

Central to our mission at is thinking through from first principles what's important and what's not to the application of maths in the real, modern, computer-based world. This is one of the most challenging aspects of our project: it's very hard to shake off the dogma of our own maths education and tell whether something is for now and the future, or if really it's for the history of maths.

This week's issue is significance arithmetic, similar to what you might know from school as significant figures. The idea is when you do a calculation not just a single value but bounds that represent the uncertainty of your calculation too are calculated. You can get an idea of how accurate your answer is or indeed if it has any digits of accuracy at all.

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